• Air Filter Tips

    A Furnace Filter is a popular brand in the plumbing industry. They have several different types of filtration systems including the Kitchen and Bath, the Family, and the Big Belly. Many professional plumbers and contractors have tried using these systems, and they are all satisfied with the...
    A particulate air filter is basically a device made of porous, or fibrous materials that removes airborne particles like dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and even odors. Such filters may also remove gaseous pollens and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like ozone or chloroform. Particles removed...
    One of the most popular model trains is the Farnace Filter. It has been around for a long time and it still remains one of the best sellers in the hobby. There are many reasons for this but one of them has to do with quality. Filters from the Farnace Company are known for their great quality....